College & Financial Aid
Make smart moves to get the money you need to cover college costs.
Everyone knows how expensive college can be. How can students and families make it more affordable? Start saving as early as possible through a tax-advantaged 529 Plan or Coverdell Education Savings Account. Make use of the wide range of financial aid resources. And meet with an Empower FCU financial advisors to get the latest information, advice and insights.
- Federal Student Aid: Research various federal financial aid options to cover tuition, fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation.
- FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid is essential for providing money to eligible families. FAFSA partners with post-secondary schools, financial institutions and others to deliver services.
- Student Choice
- HESC: The New York State Higher Education Services Corporation manages more than 18 grant and scholarship programs, including the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), the nation's largest state grant.
- FinAid: This comprehensive, informative resource is an ideal starting point for students researching financial aid options.
- The College Board: The College Board provides students a path to college opportunities, including financial support and scholarships.
- FastWeb: This company matches the information in your profile to scholarship opportunities from their database of more than 1.5 million scholarships worth more than $3.4 billion.
- NYSFAA: The New York State Financial Aid Administrators Association is a charitable, volunteer association of financial aid professionals advocating for equal access to postsecondary education.
- Your Social Security number and driver's license number
- W-2 forms and other records of income
- Your federal income tax return (and your spouse's, if you're married)
- Your parents' federal income tax return (if you're a dependent student)
- Your untaxed income records, including Social Security, welfare, veterans benefits records, etc.
- Current Empower FCU account statements
- Current business and investment mortgage information, business and farm, stocks, bonds and other investment information
- Stay organized by creating folders for each college, form and/or scholarship and keep copies of necessary forms/applications easily accessible
- Visit your high school's website, guidance office and career center for assistance
- Obtain recommendations early; you'll need at least two or three when applying
- Stay in touch with your college of choice to determine what you will qualify for and receive financially
Empower Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution serving members throughout New York State.
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